Consider These to Avoid Glitches in Your App or Website
  • Updated :30 Sep 2024

Consider These to Avoid Glitches in Your App or Website

Do you hate it when your website, app, or other digital content freezes, stops working, or just plain doesn’t work, right? We have seen countless businesses go under because of poor website and app design. The web is a very technical space and if you aren't tech-savvy, chances are that your site will suffer from glitches and bugs and people won't like that. If you want to avoid this from happening to your business, please take a moment to read on.

What are Tech Glitches?

Tech glitches in-app or web development refer to unexpected errors, malfunctions, or issues that arise during the development process or after the deployment of an application or website. These glitches can occur due to various reasons, such as coding errors, compatibility issues, server problems, or user-related factors. 

Avoiding tech glitches and service failures is hard enough. But when you have to try to do that while working with a host of third-party services, no one wants to mess up.

Consider these to Avoid Technical Issues in your App or Website.

Avoid Third-Party Tools

 If you’re a web developer, chances are you already know that third-party tools can create problems for your website or app. The same goes for social media users who use other platforms to share their content—like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—and mobile phone users who use other devices to connect with their social media accounts. These tools cause trouble because they often make changes to your websites and apps without your knowledge or permission. This can cause errors and glitches in your service, which can be painful if you have no idea how to fix them.

Avoid Unnecessary Page Redirects

Page redirects are a common way to fix broken links in web pages, but they also come with their own set of risks. If a URL isn't working properly, you can use a redirect to get users back to the correct page without breaking their session (or having them leave your site). However, if there's an error on one page that causes a redirect from another page (or even from another site), this could break the user's session and send them elsewhere — possibly even to another website entirely! This is something you should avoid at all costs — not only does it break your site's functionality, but it could cause users to abandon your site altogether."

Keep Away From Resource-Hungry Pages/Bloated Code

When you're working on a project and suddenly your computer freezes up, you may feel like it's all your fault. But chances are, it's not. A lot of the time, that freeze-up is caused by an overload of resources. If you're using a web host that has too many servers or too much RAM, it can cause the entire thing to freeze up. Make sure that your hosting service isn't overburdened before starting work on your site(s). You might have to upgrade to a newer plan or find a new host if this is the case.

Prevent Bad Bot Traffic

Bot traffic is anything that comes from automated programs like an ad bot or a spammer trying to sell something (or get into your account). Bots run 24/7 and can fill up servers quickly, so they can crash websites and slow down networks in general but they also do bad things like steal passwords and send fake orders over the internet without paying for them — so keeping them out of your site(s) is important! If you don't want bots messing with your site(s), then you have to block them from coming in.

Don't Overdo Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are often used by developers as a way to get users onto their websites without making them wait through a full-screen ad before they can access the content they came for. But interstitial ads aren't always necessary; they can be annoying and distracting, which could lead users away from your site instead of toward it. You want to keep your audience engaged, not annoyed by an ad that takes them away from the content they were looking for. Try using interstitials sparingly, and only when necessary.

Not Doing Enough Testing

Testing is one of the most important parts of Web and App Development—but it’s also one of the hardest parts for developers and designers to get right. If your website or app isn’t working properly, it can cause lost sales and bad reviews on Google Play Store and App Store as well as make potential customers think twice before giving you their money. So don't wait until the last minute before testing! Make sure you test your site before launching it publicly so that no one else has to go through the same issues after launch day!

Choosing the Wrong Hosting Service

If your website is hosted on a shared server with other users and it goes down, you don’t want to be affected by downtime. Choose a managed hosting provider that will help ensure reliable uptime for every site on their network. Even better: If possible, choose one that specializes in cloud-based services because they have access to more resources than traditional hosting providers do—which means better performance for your site.

Using a Single Server for Multiple Websites

If you’re using one server for all of your websites and apps, it may not be able to handle all of the traffic from each site simultaneously without becoming overwhelmed. This can cause problems with slow loading times and other technical issues in your site or app. If this happens, consider switching to another hosting service provider so that each site can be hosted on its own dedicated server with better performance levels.

Having Too Many Features or Goals for Your App

The more features and goals your app has, the more likely there will be bugs and glitches along the way—and those bugs can cause serious problems for users who rely on your product every day. Try establishing a single, unambiguous goal.

Ignoring Website Security

If you’re building a website, you have to take extra care in the development and testing stages. Website security is essential, but it’s not something that should be overlooked or ignored, especially if you have sensitive data on your site or are using it for work. A hacker can just as easily access your site through something as simple as an outdated password or invalid SSL certificate! If you don’t want to lose customers/users due to malicious attacks, you must keep your site safe from hackers and other cybercriminals.

Not setting up a CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers that allows you to deliver your website’s content, such as images and JavaScript files, from a single location. A CDN can help improve page load speed, reduce bandwidth costs, and increase security.

Setting your Site Live Without a Backup Plan

When you’re launching your website or app, make sure you have a plan for dealing with problems that might arise. If your site goes down, what happens? Do you have an alternate URL? Do you have a backup server set up? How will you get people back to your site when it comes back online? If you try to launch your site with no backup plan, you could easily lose all of your data and content. This is especially important if you have sensitive data stored on your sites, such as credit card numbers or personal information. You should always test-launch your site before launching it live to ensure that everything works properly.

Confusing End Users with Unnecessary Design Elements and Graphics

It’s easy to get carried away with the latest design trends or add some bells and whistles that may seem cool but aren’t necessary for visitors to understand how to use your product or service. For instance, adding an animated background image on every page of your site can be visually appealing but could also distract from the content on those pages. Another example would be using bright colors on every page which can be overwhelming and overwhelming for users who are trying to focus on the task at hand (e.g., searching for information).

Not Optimizing Your Media Files

You may not realize it, but when you upload images and videos for your website, they can take up a lot of space on your server, especially if they’re large files like photos or videos. If your site is slow because of too much content, customers will likely leave without browsing further.

Failing to Optimize Page Load Speed

A slow website is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a business owner or remote worker. Site speed isn’t just about loading pages quickly—it’s about making sure visitors have a good experience on the site as well. Site speed optimization can improve usability by reducing bounce rates, which means less time spent waiting for pages to load and more time building relationships with customers or clients.

Hosting on a Shared Server or Service

When you host your site or app on a shared server, there’s always the potential for an outage because of a hardware failure or software glitch. If you’re not hosting your servers, you should consider choosing a provider who specializes in cloud computing and has a good track record with reliability.

When you have multiple websites hosted on one server, it’s important to make sure each website works properly in different browsers and devices. A website that doesn’t work properly in Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or Chrome will be inaccessible to anyone using those browsers—and they are both extremely common today!

Failing to Consider Mobile and Tablet Devices

Mobile users account for over half of all internet traffic today! And as more people get access to smartphones and tablets, their needs are changing quickly too. Your app should work well on all mobile devices, but you should also make sure your website works well on tablets too!

Using Outdated Software

New versions of the software are regularly released with new features and bug fixes to make them more efficient for users. But sometimes old versions still work just fine. If you don’t update your software or have an unsupported version that’s causing problems on your site, it could slow down performance or even break things altogether—and then no one will be able to use your website or app anymore!

Using too Many Plugins and Extensions

Plugins and extensions are useful tools that can help you customize your website or app. But when you have too many, it can cause more problems than it solves. For example, if you install an extension that adds a feature to your site but doesn’t work properly, this can create problems for other users of the website.

Build Glitches-free Apps and Websites with Digittrix

At Digittrix, we prioritize delivering glitches-free apps and websites that offer a seamless user experience. Our team meticulously tests every aspect to ensure smooth performance, intuitive navigation, and error-free functionality. Trust Digittrix to provide you with reliable digital solutions that exceed expectations. If you want to develop your app and website like this contact Digittrix.

Build a custom website and application with us. We are a leading website and app development company with 14 years of experience and expert developers at DIGITTRIX!

If you too want to build a custom website or application and are unsure of how to begin the process, schedule your appointment or book your consultation today with our expert technical managers by calling +91 8727000867

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Written by Harsh Abrol
With Over 14 years Experience in IT Field , Helping Companies to Optimise there Products for more Conversions

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Table of contents

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Common bugs and errors are:

    a. Crash after pressing the button

    b. The app's portrait/landscape orientation

    c. Page layout for various screen resolutions/densities

    d. Repeated results 

    e. Visualization issues

    f. The app crashes

    g. no progress indicator


    There are many bugs you could find out in mobile testing:

    a. App crash due to compatibility

    b. App response on low-speed internet

    c. UI and UX incompatibility

    d. Button response on click/tap.

    e. App response on different devices and at the same time and many more


    It is no longer sufficient to provide a high-quality digital solution in today's infinite application universe. The world of technology is rapidly evolving. Your product should not stop to survive and compete with other applications. Regular app feature release updates keep it from rusting, and new opportunities keep users from abandoning it.


    Hiring an experienced and skilled developer or team of developers for your website or app can significantly help to prevent technical issues with your project.

    Also, keep the preceding points in mind if you want to avoid glitches or technical issues with your app or website



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